Crooked Teeth: What Really Causes it?

Crooked teeth are an incredibly common dental condition, which is why it is also common for both children and adults to undergo teeth straightening treatment. Every year, about 200,000 people in Britain undergo some form orthodontic treatment.

Here at MiSmile, we provide patients with a discreet tooth-straightening alternative – Invisalign. Invisalign provides greater comfort and is a more attractive option compared to standard metal braces. Unlike braces, you can remove it to eat or brush your teeth. It is one of the fastest ways to get straight, beautiful teeth.

But why do people have crooked teeth in the first place? Is it purely a genetic trait?

It turns out that there are many ways for you to end up with crooked teeth.

Small jaw or large teeth

The most common cause of crooked teeth is, indeed, a largely genetic one. People who have a small jaw or large teeth are more likely to have crooked teeth compared to people with larger jaws.

Some people may even experience tooth crowding and impacted teeth, particularly when their wisdom teeth begin to come through. Since there is not enough space for the teeth to grow inside the mouth, they often end up pushing the other teeth out of the way.

Losing baby teeth early

While genetics play a role in the formation of crooked teeth, there are also external factors that can contribute to the condition. One of them is when a young child loses their baby teeth early.

Baby teeth serve as placeholders for adult teeth. While they serve the same purpose as adult teeth in helping children eat, they also help ensure that the jaw has enough space available for the adult teeth to grow in.

Children who lose their teeth early, either through decay or some kind of dental trauma, may be asked to wear space maintainer appliances if the adult teeth are still some time away.

Tongue thrust

Tongue thrust may also result in misaligned teeth. Tongue thrust is a condition in which the tongue is repeatedly pushed up to the front of the teeth, often while speaking or when a person is anxious. This constant pressure on the teeth may eventually push the teeth and arches out of alignment.

People with tongue thrust may find that their front teeth will begin to push outwards and upwards, leaving an open or misaligned bite.

Thumb sucking or biting on objects

Children who suck their thumb or repeatedly bite on objects may experience misaligned teeth. The constant pressure pushes the teeth out of alignment, resulting in a gap or an open bite. Like tongue thrust, it could cause the teeth to jut outwards.

On top of this, biting objects may also damage the tooth’s enamel, which makes you more susceptible to tooth decay and worn down teeth.

Any undue pressure on the teeth

Teeth move if they are placed under continuous pressure – this is the exact science that supports orthodontics. If you repeatedly rest your cheek or chin on your hand, or if you clench your teeth often, the teeth may eventually become crooked.

Luckily, most cases can be corrected with the proper orthodontic treatment.

If you have crooked teeth and wish to try Invisalign, contact MiSmile today and find a dentist you can trust.

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